"There are no ugly women, only lazy ones."
-Helena Rubinstein

20 March 2011

baggy trousers

I honestly thought that I would never embrace baggy trousers, but after seeing some really well-put-together ensembles with them on LOOKBOOK.nu, I have made a complete 360˚ turn around. I especially love the feminine accents added by the ruffle and her bracelets, while a gender neutral and edgy feel is maintained with her somewhat masculine chain link necklace and graphic print t-shirt.

Baggy trousers also look great with simple, crisp, well-fitting button downs or, to incorporate the naval minitrend, nautical navy-and-white striped shirts. Avoid extremely loose-fitting shirts to balance out the bagginess of the trousers.

Baggy trousers are versatile in that they are not part of one particular personal style. They can be part of an edgy ensemble when paired with graphic tees and rocker shirts, preppy when paired with nautical shirts, and a polished-yet-casual ensemble when paired with a crisp button down. Accessorize accordingly.

06 March 2011

blanket capes

I am well aware that I have already done posts on capes and Southwestern-themed pieces, but I just lover blanket so much that I felt that they need a post of their own. Awhile back I saw one on another blog and I immediately fell in love. I love the warm-and-cozy-blanket super-laid-back feel they have.

Whip Stitch Aztec Blanket Cape
(out of stock)
Blanket capes can have Southwestern/Native American prints or tassels or both. Wear them with simple, slim fitting pieces to avoid having an outfit that is too busy or too overwhelmingly loose. Also avoid wearing pieces all feminine or all masculine; opt for a mix of the two or an ensemble of gender neutral pieces.